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ARARAT is an abstract and essential piece based on continuity and on hands detail and precision. Inspired by Komitas Vardapet introspective journey, a prominent Armenian musician who was silent until his death, this creation evokes the dream state and the distance from reality as the only way of survival. Introspection and confinement are embodied by the performers through the minimalist movements from this ancient culture geometric concepts.

* Semi-finalist and finalist at RIDCC (Rotterdam)
* Duri Korea Prize at ACT Festival (Bilbao)
* Second Prize and Public Prize at Certamen Coreogràfic Estruch (Barcelona)

With the support of Estruch Fàbrica de Creació

- Teatre Ovidi Montllor,  (June, 2020)
- Teatre de la Faràndula / Certamen Coreogràfic Estruch (October, 2020)
- Quinzena de Dança de Almada, Portugal (October, 2020)
- Teatro Campos Elíseos Bilbao / ACT Festival (November, 2020)
- Ciutat de Nadal, Plaça Catalunya Barcelona (December 2020)
- RIDCC, Rotterdam International Duet Competition (June, 2021)

Idea, coreography, light design:  
Ester Guntín

Elisabeth Ollé and Héctor Puigdomènech

Costume design:
Sol de la Villa - Marta Mas  Soldevila